Aquaguard water softeners AWS 1000

Water softeners are specially designed to reduce the hardness of water. Mainly water softeners are used to remove Calcium and Magnesium that cause scale and create all type of problems in your daily life . Water Softener drain out the harsh chemicals and dirt from the water and  convert water from hard to soft. Soft water is   good for clothes and  it also helps to prevent the water pipelines from unnecessary scaling of calcium and magnesium . Water softener helps to save you’re home appliances , which saves money in the long run. This single reason is enough to invest in a washing machine water softener

Is water softener boost the efficiency of Washing Machine ?

According to a report, old Bhopal side area the hardness of the water is quite high . Water hardness is measured in mg/l or PPM. Hard water can cause the following problems when doing the laundry:-

  • Damage all the parts of your washing machine

Cleaning of cloths not possible.

Costs of detergents increased

But how many of us effectively take care of our washing machines

We all aware about regular maintenance of washing machine for working properly, but we are unaware of the impact of hard water on the longevity of washing machines. In a long run all your clothes are very rough and unpleasant to touch. Water softener will help your washing machine to last longer. If you don’t use water softeners where the hardness of water is more than 400 It leave an unsightly scale on your washing machine drum. Over a time these mineral deposits build up and  eventually damage your washing  machine and pipelines. 

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